June 20-22 2025 at Chapman University in Orange, CA
“This is the best AYSO training session I have ever attended. The training was so much more than I expected.”It is a place where Referee Assessors learn how to combine a discerning eye with insightful analysis and positive commentary to improve the performance and effectiveness of Referees at any level of play. It is a place where Referee Instructors learn that theirs is one of the most crucial and demanding appointments in the organization. They learn the fine art of training volunteers in a non-threatening environment to be enthusiastic, productive contributors to their home Regions. Attendees benefit from top-level instructors, many of whom learned the craft from renowned FIFA referee, Ken Aston. Many of the instructors hold Section and National positions and are pledged to keeping Ken Aston’s Vision of the Spirit of the Game alive, making this an unparalleled learning experience for those in attendance. Attendees leave with a renewed sense of pride, a more refined understanding of how to contribute to their local organizations, and an energized spirit.
Intermediate Referee Course
This course enriches and builds upon the foundation training that was provided at the Regional Referee level with...
Advanced Referee Course
This exciting course builds upon the training and experience of the Intermediate Referee with an emphasis on...
National Referee Course
This course is the top-level officiating course offered by AYSO. It takes the Advanced Referee to a higher level of...
Referee Instructor Course
This course is the introductory training opportunity for those seeking to become Lead Referee Instructors authorized to...
Assessor Course
This course meets the training requirements to become a Referee Assessor by teaching the technical aspects of evaluating and assessing the officiating skills of...
National Assessor Course
Existing Referee Assessors learn the psychology of interacting with and assessing the ability of experienced referees who...
Advanced Referee Instructor Course
This course is the training opportunity for those seeking to be authorized to lead the Advanced Referee Course...