National Referee Course
Quick Facts
- Registration Link - Course Registration
- Registration Deadline - May 31st
- Fee - $300.00
- Late Fee (after May 31st) - $50.00
- Cancelation Fee - $50.00
- Checkin - Friday, June 20th at 10:00 AM
- Checkout - Sunday, June 22nd at 5:00 PM
Achievement of a game count of at least 80 matches as referee is strongly recommended prior to attending this course.Please Note: We are unable to accept Youth Referees for these courses. All referees must be 18 years old and older in order to attend any of the Ken Aston Soccer Referee Camps.
This course is the top-level officiating course offered by AYSO. It takes the Advanced Referee to a higher level of professionalism and skill level by ensuring the highest standards of proficiency, personal behavior and support for the philosophies of AYSO and the Laws of the Game. This course is all about pride and confidence without arrogance.
Attendees will enjoy the benefit of some of the very best and most experienced referees and instructors in the country. In addition, the camaraderie and sharing with other senior referees enhance the experience of fine-tuning and refining top referee skills. This course hits the gray areas of officiating higher level matches where all of a referee's skills are required to successfully manage a challenging match. This is not a black-and-white course with simple answers. Rather, it is an in-depth exploration of situations with an emphasis on decision making skills, leadership, effective management options, and methods that produce a fair and enjoyable game for all.
Completion of all the lessons in this course, when taken together with the lessons previously presented in the Regional, Intermediate and Advanced Referee courses satisfy the training requirement for upgrade to National Referee.
Attendees will be provided with the opportunity to take the law and fitness tests that are required to upgrade to the National Referee.
The course dates/times are subject to change. If they do change, this website will be promptly updated and each registrant will be notified of the change. Registration Fee includes room (2 nights on a double occupancy basis), meals (from lunch on Friday through lunch on Sunday), a camp T-shirt (not guaranteed for late registrants) and course materials.
The registration fee and the signed waiver of liability form are requested prior to the deadline date above in the Quick Facts, although these items will be accepted after the registration deadline subject to available space and an additional late fee charge. The cancellation fee will be charged for any cancellation received within one week of the camp. It is permissible for Regions to pay all or part of the fee on behalf of referees attending training camps. We encourage Regions to participate in this way!
No refund will be issued if cancellation notice is not received.
Pre-Course Materials:
IFAB Laws of the Game 2023-2024National Referee Program Manual 2023-2024
AYSO Referee Guidelines 2023-24
AYSO National Rules and Regulations 2023
Please Note: We are unable to accept Youth Referees for these courses. All referees must be 18 years old and older in order to attend any of the Ken Aston Soccer Referee Camps.